Quick start:

first of all,you can create a file called app.py

then write down:

from jolla import WebApp,jolla_server,render

def index(request):
    return render('index.html')

class app(WebApp):

if __name__=="__main__":

after you have already written the code in the same path , create a folder called "templates",in that folder,create a HTML file called index.html.

the basic path:

├── app.py
└── templates
    └── index.html

In the HTML file index.html , write down:



  <h1>Hello world</h1>


In your terminal , run:

python app.py

If you have httpie , a package like curl ,run http in the terminal , then you can see:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 94
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 12:02:20 GMT
Server: Jolla/1.0



  <h1>Hello world</h1>


The basic code done!

JSON Response

Above is just a simple web page.

Jolla means to be a API server .

we change our app.py file like this:

from jolla import WebApp, jolla_server, render, render_json

def index(request):
    return render('index.html')

def status(request):
    aljun = {'name': 'aljun', 'education': {
        'college': 'BUCT', 'subject': 'Chemistry'}, 'age': '20'}
    return render_json(aljun)

class app(WebApp):
    urls = [
        (r'/', index),
        (r'/status', status)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = jolla_server(app)

run http in our terminal

we can see:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 95
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 12:10:36 GMT
Server: Jolla/1.0

    "age": "20", 
    "education": {
        "college": "BUCT", 
        "subject": "Chemistry"
    "name": "aljun"

Route System

We can see , the route we written down is totally fixed.for some place it's hard to use,for example,if we have 1000 url,we have to write down 1000 route rules.

In Jolla ,we can try to write down the route like r/user/<id>,then we can get the route like /user/1 or /user/aljun . and the id has been a parameter in the request.

all right,let's try it:

from jolla import WebApp, jolla_server, render, render_json

def index(request):
    return render('index.html')

def status(request):
    aljun = {'name': 'aljun', 'education': {
        'college': 'BUCT', 'subject': 'Chemistry'}, 'age': '20'}
    return render_json(aljun)

def user(request):
    user = request['id']
    return render_json({'user': user})

class app(WebApp):
    urls = [
        (r'/', index),
        (r'/status', status),
        (r'/user/<id>', user)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = jolla_server(app)

run http , we can see that:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 19
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 12:25:06 GMT
Server: Jolla/1.0

    "user": "aljun"

Now we have a strong and free route system.

HTTP Status Code

We know there are a lots of HTTP status codes like GET or POST.and a server need to get value from the client end.

all of that contain in Jolla

we can change our app.py:

from jolla import WebApp, jolla_server, render, render_json

def index(request):
    return render('index.html')

def status(request):
    aljun = {'name': 'aljun', 'education': {
        'college': 'BUCT', 'subject': 'Chemistry'}, 'age': '20'}
    return render_json(aljun)

def user(request):
    user = request['id']
    return render_json({'user': user})

def post(request):
    if request['method'] == 'GET':
        return render_json({'method': 'GET', 'data': request['data']})
    if request['method'] == 'POST':
        return render_json({'method': 'POST', 'data': request['data']})

class app(WebApp):
    urls = [
        (r'/', index),
        (r'/status', status),
        (r'/user/<id>', user),
        (r'/post', post)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = jolla_server(app)

Use the requests lib to try this:

In [1]: import requests

In [2]: r=requests.get('',data={'name':'Jolla'})

In [3]: r.text
Out[3]: u'{\n"data": {\n"name": "Jolla"\n}, \n"method": "GET"\n}'

In [4]: r=requests.post('',data={'name':'Jolla','qqq':'www'})

In [5]: r.text
Out[5]: u'{\n"data": {\n"qqq": "www", \n"name": "Jolla"\n}, \n"method": "POST"\n}'

we can see that,the value from client end would be contained request['data'],it would be the dict structure.

Request parameter

let's focus on some details,what are contained in the parameter request

we change app.py like this:

from jolla import WebApp, jolla_server, render, render_json

def index(request):
    return render('index.html')

def status(request):
    aljun = {'name': 'aljun', 'education': {
        'college': 'BUCT', 'subject': 'Chemistry'}, 'age': '20'}
    return render_json(aljun)

def user(request):
    user = request['id']
    return render_json({'user': user})

def post(request):
    if request['method'] == 'GET':
        return render_json({'method': 'GET', 'data': request['data']})
    if request['method'] == 'POST':
        return render_json({'method': 'POST', 'data': request['data']})

def detail(request):
    return render_json({'request':request})

class app(WebApp):
    urls = [
        (r'/', index),
        (r'/status', status),
        (r'/user/<id>', user),
        (r'/post', post),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = jolla_server(app)

we run http in our terminal.we can see that:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 289
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 12:45:45 GMT
Server: Jolla/1.0

    "request": {
        "content_length": null, 
        "content_type": null, 
        "cookies": null, 
        "data": {}, 
        "http_accept_encoding": null, 
        "http_connect": "keep-alive", 
        "http_port": "", 
        "http_protocol": "HTTP/1.1", 
        "method": "GET", 
        "query_string": {}, 
        "user_agent": "HTTPie/0.9.3"

from above, we can see,the request contain many environment parameter for us to use conveniently.

Adding Header

we all know the use of the HTTP Header.so if we can customize our logic.

change our app.py like:

from jolla import WebApp, jolla_server, render, render_json

def index(request):
    return render('index.html')

def status(request):
    aljun = {'name': 'aljun', 'education': {
        'college': 'BUCT', 'subject': 'Chemistry'}, 'age': '20'}
    return render_json(aljun)

def user(request):
    user = request['id']
    return render_json({'user': user})

def post(request):
    if request['method'] == 'GET':
        return render_json({'method': 'GET', 'data': request['data']})
    if request['method'] == 'POST':
        return render_json({'method': 'POST', 'data': request['data']})

def detail(request):
    return render_json({'request':request})

def header(request):
    return render('index.html',extra_header=[('Vary','Accept-Encoding'),('X-Powered-By','PHP 5.4.28')])

class app(WebApp):
    urls = [
        (r'/', index),
        (r'/status', status),
        (r'/user/<id>', user),
        (r'/post', post),

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = jolla_server(app)

run http in our terminal , we can see:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 94
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 12:53:58 GMT
Server: Jolla/1.0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Powered-By: PHP 5.4.28



  <h1>Hello world</h1>


ok,we can see,the header has already been added.


At this time,we wanna to have our data from client end too exist long,so it's time for us to have session,but here,I recommand you to use such as redis to be your session choice.jolla has its own session module,and it contain empty,session_count,add_value,check_value,del_value,get_value these API for you to use.


def blog(request):
    if request['method']=="POST":
        return redirect("/")
    if request['method']=='GET':
        if session.check_value(request['data']['username']):
            return redirect("/loged")
            return redirect("/register")

Deployment(logging and host and port)

sometimes,we want our log to be written in a file instead of strout.so how can we do that in Jolla?

it just so easy,you just need to add a parameter:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = jolla_server(app,log="errer.log")

like that,when we run our program,we can see our log through the error.log file

In the terminal,we run tail error.log:

then ,we can see:

[05-26-2016 14:14:55] INFO: - - [2016-05-26 14:14:55] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 214 0.001587
[05-26-2016 14:14:58] INFO: - - [2016-05-26 14:14:58] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 214 0.002000
[05-26-2016 14:15:02] INFO: - - [2016-05-26 14:15:02] "GET /qq HTTP/1.1" 404 140 0.000875

If we wanna deploy our application,it can not be running in the localhost,and to change it in Jolla is also simple,jolla contain a listener object,you can just send the host and the port to it in order

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = jolla_server(app,log="errer.log",listener=("xx.xx.xx.xx",80))

like this, our jolla application is running on xx.xx.xx.xx:80

Multi process

Now,it is all the multi core CPU,so if you can not make full use of multi core cpu,you can not get the best power you want.jolla add the multi process function to support that.

it is based on the python's multiprocessing module

recommand:the number of processes equal to the number of your CPU core is the best.

from jolla import SessionError,HTTP404Error,session,plugins,plugins
from gevent.server import _tcp_listener
from multiprocessing import Process, current_process, cpu_count

session = session()

def index(request):

    return plugins.render('indexwww.html',extra_header=[('Vary','Accept-Encoding'),('X-Powered-By','PHP 5.4.28')])

def say(request):

    return plugins.render_json({'qqq':{'www':'哈哈哈'}},indent=4)

class app(server.WebApp):
    urls = [
        (r'/', index),
        (r'/data', say)
listener = _tcp_listener(('', 8001))

def serve_forever(listener):
    server.jolla_server(listener=listener, app=app).run_server()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    number_of_processes = 4
    print 'Starting %s processes' % number_of_processes
    for i in range(number_of_processes):
        Process(target=serve_forever, args=(listener,)).start()

after I test the benchmark of that.I use my mac ,and the 3 process is twice faster than i process.

Hope you guys like it.